Thursday, December 25, 2014

A Very Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas, We Wish you a Merry Christmas...Ah, You Know the Rest.



Tis the season. It's the season of gifts, the season of family, and the season of going broke. Every Christmas feels like a fresh experience to either close out the New Year with a bang or go out with a fizzle.

What did you get for Christmas?

I got the usual. Clothes, cold gear, hugs and Christmas cards. However, I'm not one for worrying about gifts at my age as much as I am about spending time with the people I care about.

For me, Christmas is just a time of year where all the other b.s. I've experienced througout  is eclipsed by the spirit of the season.

The sound of the music, the joy of children, the look of thanks in the eyes of loved ones.
That's what I look forward to the most.

Would I appreciate a nice gift though?

Of course I would.  A little money in the pocket doesn't hurt  to balance out the inevitable hole in my account after the season is over. For everyone else though I ask the question.

What makes Christmas special for you?

I know we all the season differently. Some people only it see as a way to get a little time off of a busy work schedule. For others, its a way to show different people how much you care for them. Still, for many its just another day on the calendar.

Whatever your reasoning, take time out even if its just a few minutes to reflect and think about what Christmas means to you. You just might learn something about yourself.

I certainly have learned a lot about myself this season. What did I learn you might ask?
Well that's for me to know and for you to find out. I've only been writing this blog for a short while.

You don't know me like that.

Merry Christmas


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