Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Keem's Mind: Be consistent

Be Consistent...Be, Be, consistent!

Every once in a while on the blog, I want to keep some of the messages short and sweet.
Today's message is very simple. Be consistent.

Too many times in our lives, we attempt different arenas of specialization and don't follow through all the way to the end. Everyone has dropped something, whether it's sports, education, the arts, work, etc.

It happens to the best of us. Personally, I have learned that consistency has been one of my own personal drawbacks in my life that has led to more hardship than success.

But even with the setbacks of not being consistent, it is still possible to achieve success by applying certain steps.

1. Figure out your goal and achieve it by any means necessary

You know that feeling of regret you get when you drop the ball on something? Screw that!
When you try to achieve something in your life and it gets out of reach, it becomes a gnawing reminder in the back of your mind.

Like an ever present shadow, it reminds you of your faults and limits your potential. Use this weight to fuel your desire and push yourself through the dark cloud.

2.Surround Yourself with Success

If you don't know what tools you need to be successful, then find someone who has achieved some amount of success. The steps to achieving your goals is not a cut and dry process all the time. Often, you don't realize all of the avenues that are available to you.

Watch people who are close to you who have their goals set in motion. Watch how they approach situations and find out what you can improve upon. It never hurts to ask for help sometimes and having an example to follow is a step in the right direction

3.Know Yourself

Try achieving goals that you know are reachable for you. If you are paralyzed from the waste down, you probably won't be in the NBA.

Take the time to explore and expose yourself to different activities and found out just what you are interested in. By knowing who you are and what you want for yourself, you will be better able to pan out a bright future.

That's all for today folks. It's getting mighty close to Christmas and I know everyone's gonna be busy during the holidays, including myself. I wish any readers a blessed week and a Merry Christmas.

Be consistent!

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